When it comes to promoting your site there aren’t lots of things that will work if you do not know what you are doing. Look at article marketing for example, if you don’t know what keywords to target or what topic to write in then you could just be wasting your efforts. One thing lots of individuals don’t understand is what will work for certain individuals will not always work for others. It’s extremely important that you have a successful marketing plan for your site as opposed to just doing what others are doing.
Something you must understand
Does your site have analytics on it? If so, does it show you how people are getting to your site and how long they are staying on it? If you are using some kind of analytics then check to see where you need to advertise more to get more traffic. If your numbers are quite high in search engine visitors and really low for social media then it is usually a sign that you have to stop using Facebook and Twitter and stick to SEO.
2 ways to market your site
Guest articles – The best method that I’ve found that works to promote any site is by doing guest postings on other similar sites. The best part about doing this is that you can write lots of guest posts as you can and possibly get hundreds of links very fast. Something you’ll see is that guest posts will attract draw more links and traffic than you could have imagined and because of this your website will build quickly.
Blog commenting – This just might be one of the most utilized and least powerful methods of promoting your website, but that is because individuals don’t do it correctly. Do you know the correct way to do blog commenting? The most effective way to comment on other blogs is to compose something that sticks out so that the websites readers will think it is really part of the article. Do not write small responses because individuals will not read those and the links will be less valuable.
What most people don't understand is that these aren't the only ways to make money with their site. Click here for more ideas to make money.
Something you must understand
Does your site have analytics on it? If so, does it show you how people are getting to your site and how long they are staying on it? If you are using some kind of analytics then check to see where you need to advertise more to get more traffic. If your numbers are quite high in search engine visitors and really low for social media then it is usually a sign that you have to stop using Facebook and Twitter and stick to SEO.
2 ways to market your site
Guest articles – The best method that I’ve found that works to promote any site is by doing guest postings on other similar sites. The best part about doing this is that you can write lots of guest posts as you can and possibly get hundreds of links very fast. Something you’ll see is that guest posts will attract draw more links and traffic than you could have imagined and because of this your website will build quickly.
Blog commenting – This just might be one of the most utilized and least powerful methods of promoting your website, but that is because individuals don’t do it correctly. Do you know the correct way to do blog commenting? The most effective way to comment on other blogs is to compose something that sticks out so that the websites readers will think it is really part of the article. Do not write small responses because individuals will not read those and the links will be less valuable.
What most people don't understand is that these aren't the only ways to make money with their site. Click here for more ideas to make money.
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